
My name is Leith O’Malley and I am an Australian oil painter & digital media artist. Sometimes I mix both and call it Tradigital Art.

I have been creating artwork for many years.. exhibiting and/or represented by galleries in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide along with participation in various group shows within Australia and America.

My website and Instagram profiles showcase much of this.

I work with a diverse range of pictorial media including charcoal, oil, acrylic, collage, pastel and mixed media as well as the digital side of graphic design, photography and short film video production.

There is a close nexus between my studio work and past commissions I have undertaken for corporate and publishing clients in Australia, Europe, and America. Additionally, a life-long love of music has led to prestigious graphic art commissions for music festivals, in Australia, Russia and America and I regularly produce art for Advertising, CD/poster designs and magazine cover art.

Life is serious, art is fun,


Contact: leithomalley@gmail.com

An interview with Leith O’Malley

An interview with Leith O’Malley


. 2024: Port Lincoln Art Prize finalist, South Australian Living Artists exhibition, Group exhibition Sydney (Studio W Gallery) and participation in various local exhibitions. Also participation in another Group Show in Sydney (Studio W Gallery)

. 2024: ‘Think Big ’2024 SALA at the Silos Celebrating South Australian Living Artists.

. 2023: Various exhibitions and group projects including works in Sydney (Studio W Gallery) and Port Lincoln Art Prize (South Australia). See the Instagram feed in the website menu for detail and more images..

. 2022: Various exhibitions and solo projects. See the Instagram feed in the website menu for detail.

. 2021: icanvas publishing/licencing deal signed (usage rights for a large selection of art images for reproduction).

. 2020: Salt Festival Exhibition (Port Lincoln), Sanguinity Exhibition at Sempre (Whyalla) plus solo and continued participation in group shows.

. 2019: Participation in the ‘Worlds Biggest Comic’ Project (artwork reproduced in print and on huge billboards) along with CD Cover art/design for Newmarket Records (Melbourne). Group exhibitions at Sempre Whyalla.

. 2019: Ambush Gallery, Canberra ‘The Heroes Journey’ Group Exhibition.·      

. 2019: illustrated for Rhythms Music Magazine and produced full album art and layout/design for CD releases from renowned Australian record company “Newmarket Records” of Melbourne.
. 2018: Inclusion in 'Next Level Exhibition' showcasing artists from around the world working in the digital platform. The works were exhibited in galleries in Aukland (NZ), Sydney and Melbourne.

. 2018:  the release of the latest music recording by Australian songstress ‘Christine Anu’ (featuring Greg Gould). I created the cover art, a charcoal drawing titled ‘Follow Your Dreaming’. Exhibition of my artwork ‘The Bird House Girl’ in Brazil as part of the ‘Steyoyoke in Brazil’ promotion for Steyoyoke Record Company.

·       2017, my ‘tradigital’ illustration ‘Smart Bombs, Dumb People’ was selected for ‘The Next Level’ group exhibition - a showcase of national and international digital artists work. This piece was exhibited in Auckland, Melbourne & Sydney galleries. It is on show here today although I have a limited amount of prints available to purchase.

·       2017: New York and Sydney-based contemporary artists ‘Gillie and Marc’ asked to represent my work online via their presence on Artsy. Gillie and Marc have been called the most dynamic and innovative artists of their time who continue to change the face of public art around the world. Happy to be with them.

·       In 2016 I was included in the Italian Luciano Benetton Collection and corresponding book "Looking Down Under - Contemporary Artists from Australia".

·       2010: Dallas USA - Group exhibition at The Third Wall Gallery (for Stoyopolis) with Sterling Hundley, Gary Kelley, Brian Froud and Cynthia Von Buhler.

·       In the mid 2000’s I produced the promotional artwork for the Adelaide Jazz Festival, The Newcastle Jazz Festival and also the “Rio-Havana-New York” Jazz Festival (Moscow).

·      Commissioned by Festival Productions Inc. of New York to create the promotional brochure and T- Shirt artwork for the 33rd anniversary of the prestigious “New York Friehofer’s Jazz Festiva” in Saratoga, New York State. Also featured in Artists Palette magazine along with work published in Le Mag (France) and Art World News.

·       The jazz art series “Jazz is Art, Art is Jazz” featured on many online international jazz sites including allaboutjazz.com (USA), jazzitalia.net (Italy), jazzpages.com (Germany), polishjazz.com (Poland) and the Saatchi Gallery (United Kingdom).

·       Wacom (makers of world renowned graphic tablets) feature an illustration tutorial of my work on their Asia Pacific website (Pro Section).

. Group shows with Red Dust Contemporary Art Group and New Art 6.


My work is/has been represented by the following galleries:

Dallas USA – The Storyopolis Group

Sydney - Studio W

Melbourne - Smart Artz Galley

Adelaide – Geoffrey Stapleton Gallery

Social Media

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.. (links below).


Sydney: Frances Keevil

Melbourne: Smart Artz Gallery

Adelaide: Geoffrey Stappelton Gallery

Dallas(USA): Storyopolis Gallery


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